Reverse Geocoding API

The Reverse Geocoding API from CEDA Maps is a service designed for developers and businesses that need to convert GPS coordinates to addresses. The service provides accurate and up-to-date address information such as postal address, city, state and other important information that can be used for geographic applications.

This service can be used by applications such as navigation, real estate agents, e-commerce sites and others who need to display address information on a map.

Description of the batch reverse geocoding algorithm

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The orange triangle represents a single entry point obtained e.g. from a GPS device (in the WGS84 coordinate system). There are 10 road segments whose closest points to the solution point are sufficiently close to the entry point. Their nearest point is indicated by a number (note that some roads are represented by several sections).

In this case, the procedure is as follows:

  • Point No. 1 is considered relevant and is further processed
  • Point No. 2 is also considered relevant.
  • Point No. 3 is on the same name and class of road as point 1 and is removed from the processing
  • Point No. 4 is further processed
  • Point No. 5 is on the same road as point 4 and is excluded (here the road is divided due to the bridge crossing)
  • Point No. 6 is at a beginning of a different street than point 4 and is further processed
  • Point No. 7 (directly below point 6) belongs to a section of the same road as point 4 - excluded
  • Point No. 8 and 10 again on the same road as point No. 4 - excluded
  • Point No. 11 is at the beginning of another road and is further processed

Points with numbers 1, 2, 4, 6 and 11 will be taken forward for further processing.

It is possible to control which points are examined by the maximum distance from the entry point. Sections that belong to sections that are already in the result will be excluded from the result, and points can be excluded according to the minimum importance of roads - e.g. roads below street level, i.e. forest and dirt roads, can be excluded; the max. relative and absolute distance of the results can also be influenced by the parameters - so if a result is sufficiently unambiguous, other points will not be included in the result).

Finally, the points are sorted according to the settings either by distance from the search point or by importance (highways will be returned first, expressways later, etc.).

The number of returned results can be set in the configuration (1 by default).